

任文超(琪三) wenchaoren@263.net  13621076550  

电话:010-65539247 13911792749 传真:010-65538114 
电话:021-62709627 传真:021-62709628 

深圳电话:0755-82282236 13316869039 13510323968 传真:0755-82282396 

焦 炭 出 口 计 划 书








    太原市东盛焦化煤气有限公司位于太原市清徐县城西,距太原市区42公里,厂区占地17.9万平方米,现有员工700余名, 其中高级中级技术人员和管理人员, 大中专毕业生占职工总数的73%左右。

    公司于1995年开始筹建, 2000年1月28日, 1号、2号焦炉正式投入使用。 并计划于2001年9月建成3#焦炉,实现年产焦炭75万吨的生产能力,公司所采用的焦炉为TJL-940E双联下喷单热式捣固焦炉,全部实现机械化操作,配套的化工产品生产线有电捕焦油、脱硫脱苯、洗蒸氨。3座焦炉预计年产焦油23800余吨,粗苯6600余吨, 日产城市煤气30万立方米,其余废气、废水通过回收进行净化和生化处理,确保生产无污染,争创绿色环保型企业。




    利用外贸已建立的稳定的出口渠道,与国内工厂形成了默契的配合关系。目前主要国外客户有德国鲁尔、香港来宝资源有限公司,荷兰的SSM COAL B.V.等,其商誉均为世界一流;国内工厂出口的产品质量已在这些客户中赢得了很高的声誉,工厂的生产能力均处在中等规模以上。





To: …       (Bank)

Dear Sir,

With reference to the contract No. … signed on …. (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) between ….(hereinafter referred to as Buyer) and …(hereinafter referred to as Supplier) under which you, ….(bank) shall on behalf of Buyer effect an advance payment of ….(amount) (hereinafter referred to as “Advance Payment”) to the supplier in part payment for the total delivery to Buyer on FOB basis by the supplier of …(quantity) of metallurgical coke (hereinafter referred to as “Coke”) as per the following schedule with such quality and specifications as described in the annex attached hereto:

1. Schedule

(1)    …. Metric ton (+/-10%) on or before ….

(2)    …. Metric ton (+/-10%) on or before….


The dates in the above schedule shall be defined as delivery dates.

2. We ….(bank) at the request of the supplier hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay you on first demand irrespective of the validity and the effects of the contract in the event of

(1)Non-delivery (as defined in the annex attached hereto) the following amounts(hereinafter referred to as the “monthly sum”):

a. up to … per month on or before …

b.   up to … per month on or before …


(2) A shortfall when the value of the Coke (as described in the annex attached hereto) deliverred monthly as per the above schedule is not up to the monthly sum, you may claim on us under this guarantee the difference to cover the shortfall.

3. Any claim made under this guarantee must be present to …(bank) at … against a presentation of  your written statement in tested telex form or authenticated swift certifying the sum demaned is properly due by the supplier by reason of non-delivery and/or short delivery of the Coke to Buyer as per the above schedule under the Contract and stipulating specific details of the non-delivery.

4. Our liability under this guarantee will be limited to …(amount) in aggregate and will be limited to the respective monthly sum as to the claims for each schedule month. Regardless, whether this guarantee is returned to us or not the liability under this guarantee will be reduced by

(1)  Any payment effected under this guarantee, and/or

(2)  Your tested telex confirming receipt from us of full set of original bill(s) of lading by respect of the Coke. In which case, our liability will be reduced as per manner below:

a.  up to … per month after …

b.  up to … per month after …

5. Your rights and benefits (including your right to claim) under this guarantee is not assignable except with our consent and written notice of such assignment to us.

6. This guarantee shall come into force upon

(1)Our tested confirmation that the supplier has received the advance payment form you within … working days from the issuance date of this bank guarantee and

(2)Your tested confirmation that the rights and obligations as stipulated in paragraph 4.5 and 6 under this guarantee are binding on your good selves and the bank guarantee will become automatically null and void after …(hereinafter referred as to the “Expiry date”) in China.


7.We undertake to effect payment of any claim made under this guarantee by T/T reimbursement to you value within 3 days upon receipt by us of your tested telex or authenticated swift confirming their receipt of the compliant documents and that the originals of these documents have been forwarded to us.

8. This guarantee shall be covered by and construed in accordance with the laws of … currently in force.

9.Any dispute arising our of this guarantee or a breach shall be submitted to and finally settled by Arbitration Conducted in Beijng by the China Internatoinal Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CIETAC”) in accordance with the arbitration rules of CIETAC for the time being in force. And award or determination of the arbitration shall be final non-appealable and conclusive upon the parties. The cost of the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise determined by the arbitration award.

10.This guarantee is subject to the uniform rules for demand guarantee of the international chamber of commerce (Publication No.458) save for article 30 of the same.


1.The Coke

The word Coke when used in the contract as well as in this guarantee means the metallurgical coke produced by … in China of the following quality and specifications.


Under this guarantee non-delivery means the failure of the supplier to delivery the requested quantity of the coke or any part thereof as per schedule hereof.

It shall be conclusively deemed that an event of non-delivery has occurred if full set of the original bill(s) of lading in respect of the relevant monthly delivery of coke is not received by you on or before the 10th day after the scheduled delivery deadline defined under this guarantee.

3.Delivery Deadline

Under this guarantee delivery deadline means the 15th day of the calendar under month for the respective monthly delivery of the coke and the additional coke as per the schedule hereof.










































